Saturday 31 January 2015

Neighbours Sonya Rebecchi finally decides to give up on helping Erin Rogers when her old friend fails to show up for a meeting with her daughter.

As Erin grows increasingly anxious about the imminent arrival of her daughter Cat, Sonya is full of support and reassurance.

When the nerves become too much for Erin to handle, Sonya later finds her at The Waterhole, trying to stave off temptation by playing cards.

Erin admits that she's been feeling the pressure and asks Sonya to take a step back. However, while Sonya thinks they are back on track, Erin clearly thinks differently but lets her believe otherwise.

Later that night, Brennan reports that Erin has disappeared and stolen his possessions such as his wallet and laptop. Sonya is devastated as she realises Erin has run away but she is left in a further predicament when Cat knocks at the door.

Sonya and Toadie are then tasked with the difficult ordeal of having to break the news to Cat that her mother will not be showing up for their planned visit.

Erin fails to turn up to meet Cat.
Cat is left disappointed
Although Cat tries to be stoic about it, Sonya and Toadie can see she is devastated at having been let down by her mother yet again.

Karl later encourages Sonya not to give up on Erin yet, and as he presses Sonya to put herself in Erin's shoes to work out where she might have gone, Sonya has a brainwave and heads off to find her.

As Sonya tracks Erin down at the antique shop, where she just sold the items she stole from Brennan, Sonya begs Erin to come home with her and see Cat rather than give up.

However, it is clear Erin is a broken woman who has lost all hope as she tells Sonya that she is off the hook and doesn't need to feel responsible for her any longer. Finally, Sonya realises that, despite her best efforts, there won't be a happy ending for Erin as she's a lost cause.

Airs Tuesday, February 10th