Sunday, 26 April 2015

Doctors, Zara Carmichael is relieved when someone finally starts to listen to her concerns over the development of her son Joe.

Zara is convinced that there could be a problem with the youngster, so she takes him along for an appointment with Dr Burnett.

After some tests, Burnett refers Joe to an audiologist and ophthalmologist and Zara is pleased that he is taking her seriously after she was brushed off by so many others.

Michael Burnett listens to Zara
Later in the week, Zara meets Michael by chance in the park and they talk further as their children play together.

The pair have a friendly connection and when Zara asks Michael if he has reached a diagnosis yet for Joe, he promises that it shouldn't be too long away.

Needing further reassurance, Zara is pleased when Michael says that Joe seems like a very contented child with a mother who dotes on him. Could there be a spark between Zara and Michael?

Michael and Zara spend time together
Airs Tuesday, May 5th and Thursday, May 7th