Paul has been wrongly diagnosed with leukaemia as part
of a scheme concocted by Nick Petrides and is currently having
Paul's shock collapse comes after Naomi Canning makes the big decision to end her relationship with
Mark Brennan, deciding that she wants to be with Paul instead.
Paul begins to feel unwell |
Fresh from her break-up with Brennan, Naomi finally gives Paul some news
he can celebrate when she tells him that they have secured a buyer for
Lassiters Hotel, which he is trying to sell.
Although Paul wants
to go out and celebrate the good news in style, Naomi becomes concerned
by his breathing and wants him to rest.
Despite her worries, Paul eventually manages to twist Naomi's arm and the pair head out for a drink together.
Paul enjoys a celebratory drink at the bar with Karl and Georgia,
Sheila pulls Naomi aside to confront her about Brennan, convinced that
this is yet another instance of Naomi sabotaging the perfect
Despite her mother's fury, Naomi stands by her
decision and takes Sheila by surprise when she blurts out that she has
feelings for Paul.
However, the moment is cut short when Paul
suddenly collapses whilst at the bar. Karl and Georgia quickly rush over
to help him, but will he be alright?