Tuesday 26 May 2015

Coronation Street fans can expect huge fireworks for the Grimshaw family as Todd's revenge storyline comes to a head.

Todd has spent the past few weeks stringing his mum Eileen along by pretending to be an internet admirer called Jeff, which is about to have devastating consequences as her other love interest Adrian Mortimer discovers the truth.

The trouble begins when 'Jeff' sends Eileen an email revealing that he is flying into Manchester and wants them to meet up.

Eileen already has plans with Adrian, but Todd plays puppetmaster by offering to tell him that she is unwell so she can secretly meet Jeff instead.

Later, Eileen arrives at the Bistro expecting to find Jeff, but is stunned when she comes face-to-face with Adrian instead, all thanks to Todd's careful plans.

Eileen squirms as Todd gleefully urges Adrian
Eileen is clearly unsettled by her predicament as she is expecting Jeff to arrive at any moment, but just when it seems that she is about to save herself, Todd goes a step further as he is determined to cause as much trouble as possible.

Todd takes great pleasure in informing Adrian about his wealthy love rival, leaving him crushed to hear that Eileen has been two-timing him.

Once Eileen figures out that Todd was 'Jeff' all along, he explains himself by bitterly insisting that it's payback for the time he was attacked after being stood up by his family at the Bistro.

Todd also confesses that he was responsible for his brother Jason's split from Eva Price too, but as his family turn on him in response, is there any place left for him in Weatherfield?

Airs Friday, June 5th