Tuesday 12 May 2015

Hollyoaks, Maxine Minniver will contemplate ending her life next week after a devastating turn of events sees her ex-partner Patrick Blake win full custody of their daughter Minnie.

Maxine will take drastic action after Patrick schemes to make her look like an incapable parent during the custody hearing.

After Patrick sees Maxine and Darren kissing, he trashes his office in fury but is soon given an idea by Theresa, who encourages him to go for joint custody.

When Maxine firmly rejects this proposal, Patrick resorts to manipulative tactics on the day of the custody hearing as he tells Darren that he saw him hiding a gun.

Knowing he now has the upper hand, Patrick then tells Darren to lie to the panel in order to help him get Minnie...

Patrick frames Maxine
Patrick tricks Maxine
Patrick is convinced everything is going in his favour after he gives an impressive speech at the hearing, but he feels threatened when Maxine also makes an excellent case.

However, it all starts to fall apart for Maxine when she pulls a water bottle out of her bag, which Patrick has filled with alcohol and planted.

A devastated Maxine is soon escorted out of the hearing and Patrick is awarded full custody of Minnie.

Maxine realises she has been framed
Maxine shouts at Patrick
Maxine tries to defend herself
Following the devastating outcome, Nancy attempts to comforts a numb Maxine when Patrick collects their daughter. However, when Nancy returns from the shops later, she is concerned to discover that Maxine has gone missing.

While at the police station, Darren is alarmed when he overhears that a woman is about to jump from the church turret.

Darren then arrives to find Maxine poised at the top of the turret, where she is contemplating suicide. Darren knows that Maxine has so much left to live and fight for, but will he be able to help her?

Maxine finds herself unable to cope
Maxine threatens to jump
Darren fears for Maxine
Darren reaches out to Maxine
Darren edges towards Maxine
Airs next week