Sunday 3 May 2015

Hollyoaks, The McQueen family face a race against time to avoid another tragedy when there is a shock fire at their home.

The blaze breaks out just as Porsche McQueen's on-off relationship with her estranged husband Lockie Campbell hits more problems.

Upcoming episodes will see Porsche urge Lockie to continue conning Diane O'Connor, as she desperately needs money to keep her mother Reenie away from the family.

Lockie's charm helps him to manipulate Diane without arousing any suspicion, but Porsche is furious when she hears that the 'couple' will be going on holiday to Paris together.

Although it's all part of the plan, Porsche can't help feeling jealous until Lockie (Nick Rhys) organises a tropical surprise and an indoor BBQ at the McQueens' to apologise.

Lockie manages to get back in Porsche's good books, but disaster strikes when the BBQ catches fire and the blaze starts to spread through the house.

It's left to Phoebe to save the day as she tries to get Porsche and Lockie out, but unbeknown to everyone, Nana is also inside after returning early from her holiday...

Phoebe rescues Porsche
Lockie and Porsche lie motionless
Lockie is taken to hospital
Porsche is taken to hospital
Phoebe worries about Lockie and Porsche
Phoebe realises Nana is inside
Airs Friday, May 15th