Sunday 14 June 2015

Doctors, Zara Carmichael is left humiliated when her partner Daniel Granger continues to feud with Michael Burnett.

Zara is hopeful that Daniel is starting to accept Michael and his research when he agrees to listen to him at a presentation, but she soon realises that Daniel still has other ideas.

As Michael addresses his audience, Daniel tries to embarrass him by publicly discrediting his research, leaving Zara horrified.

Zara fails to get Daniel to stop and when she later apologises to Michael on his behalf, Michael bites back and admits that he wishes he'd never met her.

Michael is angry with Zara
Back at The Mill, things get even worse for Zara when she learns that her protégé Sid Vere has made a formal complaint of bullying against her.

When questioned by the practice's partners about her treatment of Sid, Zara is hopeful that Daniel and Jimmi Clay will back her up - but both fail to show her any support. Is Zara in trouble?

Airs Friday, June 26th