Saturday 20 June 2015

Home and Away, Kyle Braxton will make a big mistake when he allows himself to be seduced by newcomer Billie Ashford.

Kyle is in a vulnerable state following Phoebe's decision to take a break from their relationship and it doesn't take long for Billie to set her sights on him.

When Kyle accidentally wakes Billie with his guitar playing at the share house, the pair start to talk and it's not long before Billie makes a move and kisses him.

Billie makes a move on Kyle
The following morning, a guilty Kyle firmly tells Billie that the night before was a mistake, but to make matters worse, Phoebe has returned home from a trip away and is keen to reconcile with him.

Later, as Phoebe heads over to Kyle's house with the hope of talking through their problems, she is devastated when she overhears Kyle telling Billie that no-one can know they slept together. Are Phoebe and Kyle over for good?

Kyle sets Billie straight
Phoebe is devastated by what she hears
Airs Tuesday, June 30th and Wednesday, July 1st