Sunday 12 July 2015

Doctors - Couple Howard Bellamy and Emma Reid will make a breakthrough when they attend another counselling session.

The on-off pair have decided to embark on a 40-day date project' to determine whether they are a suitable match.

Although Howard is close to scrapping the whole idea following recent troubles with Emma, he decides to give it one last try and sets up another session with a relationship counsellor.

When the counsellor tries to encourage Howard to open up, he is initially reluctant but eventually talks candidly about how his father left him when he was younger.

Howard admits that he kept wanting to cry following his dad's departure but had to put on a brave face to spare his mum's feelings.

Emma is intrigued when Howard confesses that this is why he finds it so hard to show his emotions and she starts to see him in a whole new light. Is there hope for Howard and Emma's future?

Emma and Howard go for counselling
Airs Tuesday, July 21st