Sunday 19 July 2015

Doctors - Emma Reid and Howard Bellamy have some decisions to make after breaking the rules of their 40-day date project.

The pair jump into bed together despite the concept's regulations stating that they shouldn't have sex with each other until after the 40 days are over.

Emma and Howard wake up in bed together
Afterwards, Howard suggests to Emma that they should just ditch the rules of the project altogether - but she is determined to finish off what they started despite the blip.

When they go for their next counselling session, Emma and Howard have to confess that they have slept together and both enjoyed it.

However, the conversation soon takes a more serious turn when Emma reveals her fears that she is too old for Howard. Can Howard offer any reassurance?

Emma and Howard have another counselling session
Airs  Monday, July 27th and Thursday, July 30th