Saturday, 11 July 2015

Home and Away - There's a bittersweet moment for Brax when he gets a chance to meet his baby son for the first time.

Once Brax's partner Ricky Sharpe has been discharged from hospital after giving birth to a healthy baby boy, she heads to the prison so that she can introduce the youngster to his father.

The visit starts off on a sour note as a prison guard apologetically searches both Ricky and the baby while Brax waits anxiously inside.

When Ricky finally gets to see Brax, they both decide to name their baby Casey in memory of Brax's late brother.

Brax meets his baby son for the first time
Ricky tries to put on a brave face
Brax then expresses his regrets to Ricky over his incarceration and she sets her own feelings aside as she puts on a brave face for him.

However, once Ricky has left and is on her own again, she lets her true emotions pour out as she breaks down crying. Can Ricky get the support she needs from her loved ones back in the Bay?

Airs Tuesday, July 21st