Sunday 30 August 2015

Doctors - Mrs Tembe has a tricky situation on her hands when she decides to do some volunteer work at a local nursing home.

Mrs Tembe finds herself drawn into an unusual matter when she gets to know Herb Ashwell, one of the residents who has a bizarre conspiracy theory about the deaths of his friends at the nursing home.

Mrs Tembe meets Herb Ashwell
Herb is grieving following the loss of his wife Joan a couple of months ago and is given food for thought when he dreams about the residents playing bingo. Each time their numbers are called in his dream, they suddenly drop dead.

Once Herb has woken up, he learns from the nursing home's manager Muriel Hicks that another resident called Alf died peacefully in his sleep.

Unsure that he's getting the full story, Herb suspects that Alf may have taken part in the nursing home's bingo game the night before, which has something to do with his death.

Herb sets out to investigate and shares his ideas with Mrs Tembe when she comes to visit, but how will she react when he claims that Muriel is a trained operative who is paid by the state to kill off unwanted old folks?

Muriel Hicks
Airs Wednesday, September 9th