Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Hollyoaks - Lockie Campbell could find his marriage in trouble once again when he gets caught kissing Mercedes McQueen on camera.

Mercedes is keen to resume her affair with Lockie and makes a play for him at Porsche's birthday party.

However, when Lockie rejects her advances, she decides to make him jealous by arriving back at the party with Joe Roscoe.

Mercedes torments Porsche at her birthday party
Mercedes torments Porsche at her birthday party
Lockie & Porsche dance at Porsche's birthday party
The plan appears to have the desired effect when Lockie can't take his eyes off Mercedes and eventually sends her a suggestive text, only to discover that he has actually sent it to Porsche instead.

After managing to talk his way out of it, Lockie and Porsche go round the back of The Folly where they get passionate, but Lockie still can't resist Mercedes when she propositions him later.

As Lockie and Mercedes kiss, they are unaware that an oblivious Celine has taken a photo of John Paul with them in the background. Is their secret about to be exposed?
Mercedes finds Lockie and propositions him
Airs Monday, August 17th