Sunday 4 October 2015

Doctors - Ayesha Lee decides to stand up to Hayden Connor after discovering that he has secretly drugged her.

Ayesha is initially intimidated by Hayden when he warns that nobody will believe her due to her history, but she soon decides that she can't keep quiet.

The final straw for Ayesha comes when she finds out that Sid Vere has been out with Hayden (Sean Browne), which leaves her worrying that he could be falling into the same trap as her.

Ayesha takes Sid aside and tries to warn him off Hayden, but he takes it the wrong way and tells her to back off. She also confronts Hayden and once again threatens to tell their boss Howard Bellamy the truth, but he continues to claim that she'd live to regret it.

Ayesha tries to get tough with Hayden
Finally realising this is a risk she'll have to take, Ayesha tells Howard about Hayden's drug issues and confesses that he spiked her – so she may have treated patients while on drugs.

Howard has no choice but to suspend Ayesha pending a drug test and suggests she should tell the police as soon as possible. Has Ayesha just landed herself in hot water?

Airs  Monday, October 12th and Tuesday, October 13th