Sunday 11 October 2015

Hollyoaks - Trevor Royle's feud with the Roscoe family reignites in explosive style.

Jason Roscoe is responsible for stirring up the latest trouble when he warns Trevor that Robbie has been working undercover for the police to trap him.

Jason betrays his twin brother out of jealousy, as he isn't pleased to see his girlfriend Holly Cunningham growing so close to Robbie.

When confronted by a furious Trevor, Robbie is forced to confess that he's also been working with the gangster's ex Grace Black so that she can run off with baby Curtis.

Fearing Trevor's next move, Robbie is grateful for the chance to escape from the village when his older brother Freddie reveals that he'll be leaving with Mercedes McQueen and invites him to come along too.

A terrified Robbie starts to say his goodbyes, but Trevor is out for blood and later gives chase when he spots Robbie, Jason and Freddie all heading off in a car together.

Trevor chases Freddie, Robbie and Jason
The dramatic chase comes to an abrupt halt when the road ahead is blocked, forcing the Roscoes to get out of the car and jump off a viaduct in a desperate attempt to escape Trevor, who is armed with a gun.

As the Roscoes go plunging into the water below, a satisfied Trevor is convinced they're all dead and makes his way back to his car.
The Roscoes are relieved when Trevor slows down

Freddie, Robbie and Jason get out the car and run
Trevor catches up to the boys
In reality, the Roscoes are all still very much alive but have been carried away by the current and are heading straight for a storm drain.

The brothers get sucked in and are left trapped as water starts pouring in the drain rapidly. As the situation gets increasingly dangerous and lives are left on the line, who will survive?

Robbie clings to safety in the water
Robbie shouts for help
Robbie and Freddie are separated in the water
Robbie and Freddie both try to stay safe
Freddie attempts to help his brothers
The current gets out of control
Jason gets sucked into a storm drain
Robbie gets sucked into the storm drain
Airs  Tuesday, October 20th