Sunday 4 October 2015

Home and Away - Kyle Braxton's health will take a turn for the worse and he is left needing life-changing surgery.

Kyle's health has been deteriorating ever since he was beaten up by fellow gamblers, but the situation will escalate later this month when he gets an infection.

Ash visits Kyle in hospital
The latest turn of events leaves Nate Cooper's job on the line as he is reported for medical negligence due to the fact that he took the injured Kyle's stitches out at home and failed to do the necessary blood tests.

With Nate realising that he could face serious disciplinary measures, he is given bigger things to worry about when the machines start buzzing in Kyle's hospital room.

Nate later explains to Phoebe and Ricky that Kyle had an allergic reaction to the dialysis and that he has lost nearly all his kidney function, meaning that the only thing that will save his life now is a kidney transplant. Will Kyle be okay?
Kyle speaks to James about his medical history
Airs Thursday, October 15th