Tuesday 10 November 2015

Emmerdale - Jai Sharma will stoop to a new low when he manipulates Nikhil's partner Tanya in order to get his brother out of his life.

Tanya joins Nikhil in the village following his decision to stick around for longer than originally planned.

However, that could all be about to change when Nikhil questions Jai about what happened between him and Charity Dingle, following a revealing conversation with Megan Macey.

To make matters worse for Jai, he soon learns from Tanya that Nikhil might be staying in the village and subsequently comes up with a way to get rid of him.

Putting his plan into motion, Jai deliberately spikes Tanya's drinks and later takes her back to the B&B where she drunkenly passes out on the bed. Jai then sends a text to Nikhil pretending to be from her.

The following day, a confused and hungover Tanya awakes to find Jai and is traumatised to believe she has cheated on Nikhil.

Jai then maliciously uses this against Tanya to blackmail her, telling her that he'll show Nikhil the photos of last night unless she convinces Nikhil to leave the country.

Just as Jai hoped, Tanya and Nikhil are soon saying their goodbyes, but before they go, Nikhil tells Tanya that he has some life-changing news he needs to give to Jai. With Nikhil aware of Megan's pregnancy, is her big secret about to finally come out? Or has Nikhil learned about Jai's blackmail scheme?

Airs Monday, November 16th and Tuesday, November 17th