Saturday 28 November 2015

Emmerdale - Laurel Dingle realises that she may still have feelings for her ex-husband Ashley Thomas.

Laurel will become annoyed and defensive when Sandy voices his suspicions, but she soon starts to accept that maybe she does want to get back with Ashley despite his relationship with Harriet Finch.

Charlotte Bellamy, who plays Laurel, revealed: "Laurel knows that Ashley was always there for her, especially when life got really tough with the alcohol. She's also dealing with the feeling of being on her own when Marlon is now dating again. She wonders where her life is going and finds herself looking back at Ashley. Laurel knows that Ashley loves Harriet, so it's a lose-lose situation. She doesn't want to ruin things for them, because that's not who she is. Laurel is quite defensive when Sandy challenges her over it, because he's got it bang on! It's obvious from the way Laurel talks about Ashley that she's back in love with him."

Both ladies in Ashley's life are currently unaware of the fact that he's recently been diagnosed with dementia.  

As Laurel struggles with her feelings, she's shocked when Harriet confides in her by revealing that she's going to propose to Ashley.

Bellamy continued: "Laurel feels totally gutted about Harriet's plans, but she kind of sets up the situation herself almost to help her own feelings. She decides that if she convinces Harriet they're a great match, that will help Laurel to move on herself. If Laurel found out about Ashley's diagnosis, I think her reaction would be disbelief. She wouldn't be able to comprehend what he's saying. I hope Laurel will be closely involved in the storyline because they've been through so much. To see his last months out feels like the right story."

Revealing her own reaction to the story, Bellamy admitted: "I was quite shocked really, because I'm losing a colleague. But John's really positive about it and he's happy. At the end of the day, we are actors, it's a great story for him and it will be a great way out. I also love getting my teeth into stories that have a real depth and will have an effect on people. Everyone knows someone who will have suffered from some form of dementia. It's so rife and I'm hoping this story will show how people do cope, because I think a lot of it is kept behind closed doors. We've been to care homes that specialise in different forms of dementia and we've been in touch with charities, so we've done a lot of research. It's great to be armed with as much information as you can, so you can give a truthful portrayal. It will be emotional, but of course we'll have to find some light moments in it as well."

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