Tuesday 3 November 2015

Hollyoaks - Harry Thompson has a decision to make after John Paul is sacked.

John Paul is facing disciplinary action after a hotel booking misunderstanding led to his previous kiss with Harry being exposed.

Although the mix-up was actually a result of Harry's fling with Ste Hay, the teenager has so far failed to come clean with the school about what really went on.

As John Paul's disciplinary looms, his furious cousin Theresa bumps into Harry and Tony at Price Slice and wastes no time in telling them exactly what she thinks of them.

John Paul begs Harry to tell the truth that they weren't seeing each other, but it only serves to make the situation worse as Tony is furious to find out about their kiss.

Later, John Paul, Tony and Harry all face new headteacher Mrs St Claire but when Harry storms out, Mrs St Claire is left with no other option but to sack John Paul.

Harry feels awful as John Paul packs up his belongings at school, but will his guilt encourage him to finally come clean?

Harry has another big decision to make next week as he is urged by Tony to make some choices about his future.

However, when Ste later turns up at his 18th birthday party, their problems become apparent once again as the pair are acutely aware of a disapproving Tony watching them.

With Ste also distracted having received some bad news about his health, is there really a way forward for the pair?

Airs Monday November 9th and Tuesday November 10th