Monday 28 December 2015

Coronation Street - ​The Connor family will be torn apart as Carla exposes Johnny's darkest secret.

Carla learns that Johnny is her father after he crumbles under pressure from scheming Rob Donovan.

Although Carla initially reacts badly to the life-changing news, she tries to appease the situation in the New Year by visiting Rob in prison.

When Rob threatens to tell Aidan and Kate the truth if Johnny doesn't pay up, Carla tires of his threats and decides it's time they heard the truth anyway.

After leading Kate and Aidan into the Rovers back room, Carla drops the bombshell that she is their sister, but they are soon rocked by another distressing discovery.

While the siblings digest the news, Liz McDonald inadvertently lets slip that Johnny's wife died after she stepped in front of a car after finding out about his affair.

Johnny desperately tries to explain himself to his horrified children, but with tensions higher than ever, Aidan later sees red and punches him. Will they ever forgive him, or has Johnny lost his family for good?

Shayne Ward, who plays Aidan, said: "Aidan is very angry. Everything is boiled up anger between them as Aidan and his dad are very alike. Aidan's always been seeking approval from his dad and over the years there's been a lot of falling out as they've been battling to prove they're the alpha male, but this has totally tipped Aidan over the edge. He's really hurting but the way Aidan deals with that is by showing pure anger, he acts first and thinks later."

Speaking about whether Aidan will now hold Johnny responsible for his mother's death, Ward said: "Yes, they both do. Johnny says he has carried the guilt around even though it wasn't his fault, but for them it was. It's those 'what ifs' -  had she not found out about the affair that day, maybe she wouldn't have run into the road. I think deep down Johnny definitely blames himself and they blame him too."

With Aidan refusing to forgive Johnny and Kate suggesting that he leaves Weatherfield, there is clearly a long road ahead for the Connors.

Ward said: "I think it's going to take a long time and Johnny knows it. He's a very patient man and he says he won't stop until Aidan forgives him. Aidan can forgive but he won't forget."

Airs Monday January 4th and Wednesday January 6th