Tuesday 8 December 2015

Coronation Street - Tyrone Dobbs will propose to his partner Fiz Stape.

The romantic gesture will come after the couple are thrown into more turmoil, when Fiz's unwell daughter Hope develops an infection and gets rushed into hospital.

As Tyrone works on the finishing touches for his Lapland project, Fiz is forced to break the news that Hope may not be allowed home for Christmas.

A devastated Tyrone is then left to believe that his Lapland efforts have all been in vain, but he will be delighted when Fiz later turns up in a taxi with Hope.

Thrilled that his family are all together at Christmas, Tyrone goes ahead with his plan to propose to Fiz, but an awkward mix-up with crackers leaves his plans in jeopardy.

However, as they lead the girls out onto the street to reveal Lapland, Tyrone gets down on one knee in the snow and proposes to Fiz.

Jennie McAlpine, who plays Fiz, explained: "Fiz wasn't expecting it at all and the way it happens is brilliant. There will be a lot of men out there who will wish they had thought of doing it that way! Fiz has told Tyrone not to get her a present. She is a bit sad when he appears to take her literally, but she has no idea what he has planned. It is a lovely thing for Tyrone to do and they aren't planning to have the actual wedding any time soon, as money is still tight, and of course Fiz doesn't know how tight."

Despite the touching Christmas Day scenes, McAlpine isn't confident there will be a happy future for the pair.

McAlpine said: "For now things are looking a lot brighter. Hope is responding well to treatment and she is engaged to Tyrone. But this is soap and problems are just around the corner! I would love to see Fiz get married to Tyrone, but she is sure to find out about the money soon, so a happy ending is not on the cards for the time being. She will be devastated, it is the betrayal really. She already knew about him not cancelling Lapland and having to shell out for that. To discover he has carried on spending and on things they could have done without will be a real blow to her and will make her question their relationship."

Airs Christmas Eve and Christmas Day