Wednesday 6 January 2016

Coronation Street - Phelan returns to the cobbles to pester Anna Windass.

 Expect some major fireworks when Phelan return

Debbie Rush teases Phelan's comeback: "Most definitely, Phelan wants to ruin everything for Anna, somewhere along the line he's decided that his mission in life is to ruin Anna's life. Maybe because after his wife found out what he did his life is in ruins or maybe because Anna rejected him. Phelan's one of those arrogant men who thinks everyone should fancy him and when they don't he stamps them out of his way. Also Anna will not, and begs Gary and Izzy not to, tell Kevin that she was forced into having sex with Phelan. So the fact that she's keeping this big secret from Kevin is eating her up and could mean another relationship ruined."

Phelan's reappearance could also lead to trouble between Anna and Sally Webster. Debbie explained: "We've had a bit of a slapstick fight over the fence but I honestly think that Sally and Anna don't hate each other, I think they get each other very well. I think Anna has a bit of a soft spot for Sally because she's so tragically trying to be something she's not, and I think that Sally has a bit of a soft spot for Anna because things don't go well for her but she's a good mum. I think between them they're both doing their best for their families and they see that in each other. However they do really rub each other up the wrong way so maybe they will fight it out one day."