Wednesday 13 January 2016

Hollyoaks - Lindsey Butterfield will go to extreme lengths to keep Joe Roscoe away from Mercedes McQueen.

Lindsey will pretend to be pregnant.

When Lindsey is sick in the bathroom, Cindy Savage inadvertently gives her food for thought when she questions her on whether she could be pregnant.

Although Lindsey is not expecting a baby, she realises that this could be what she needs to get Joe to herself and later steals a used positive pregnancy test from the hospital.

After showing the positive test to Cindy, Lindsey later hides it in the bathroom bin for Joe and Mercedes to find. However, when Joe thinks it belongs to Mercedes, Lindsey admits 'the truth', saying that she's the one expecting a baby.

Joe is soon questioning her over whether he is the father, but Lindsey pushes him into realising his real feelings on her pregnancy as she takes her scheme one step further. When Cindy tells Joe that Lindsey is planning to have an abortion, he tries to stop her and delights her by admitting that he does want the baby.

However, as the pair consider how to tell Mercedes the news, DS Thorpe is searching the hospital records and is soon questioning Lindsey about some missing potassium chloride from the stock sheet.​ Could she finally have been rumbled?

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