Monday 27 June 2016

Neighbours - Madison Robinson will stumble across Amy Williams's secret past

Madison is working as a trainee at the West Waratah Star newspaper when she finds herself involved in a story that's a little too close to home.

Madison's uncle Paul helps her out by putting her on the trail of a hot scoop, unaware that the very same story could cause public humiliation for his own daughter Amy.

Paul picks up the scent of an interesting story when he discovers that Tom Quill has mysteriously hired a new cleaning contractor called Ryan for Lassiters Hotel.

Ryan currently runs an agency which employs women to clean in their lingerie, and Amy is among his past clients.

When Ryan starts hassling Amy by threatening to expose her past, Tom brings him into Lassiters on the strict condition that he leaves her alone in return. Tom also hopes that his 'knight in shining armour' act will impress his on-off love interest Aaron Brennan.

However, when Paul encourages Madison to look into Ryan's background, he's completely unaware that she is about to uncover photos of Amy dressed as a sexy maid.

With Madison now caught between her job and her loyalty to her cousin, what will she decide to do with the information?

Airs Thursday, July 7th