Saturday 2 July 2016

Home and Away - Pregnant Billie Ashford is rushed to hospital.

Billie  starts experiencing severe morning sickness, which quickly catches the attention of Tori Morgan.

When Tori finds Billie unwell, she insists on taking her to the hospital for a proper check-up to determine whether everything is okay with her and the baby.

Billie ends up receiving treatment for dehydration, but is naturally relieved when it turns out that everything is fine with her unborn child.

However, just when it seems the drama is over, a whole new can of worms is opened when Billie's brother Ash arrives on the scene and overhears her talking to Tori about the baby.
Ash had no idea that Billie was pregnant and immediately demands to know who the father is, questioning whether it could be her teenage lover VJ Patterson.

Not wanting to confide in anyone else about her rape ordeal, Billie decides to go along with Ash's incorrect assumption and lies that VJ is the father.

Reacting true to form, Ash immediately goes on the rampage and rushes off to confront VJ, leaving him and his mum Leah both utterly stunned as he rants about the baby.

As a shellshocked VJ faces the prospect of fatherhood, how long can Billie really keep this deception going? When Phoebe Nicholson starts asking some awkward questions, there may already be trouble brewing!

Airs Tuesday, July 12th