Sunday 1 February 2015

Doctors, a big day for Heston Carter and Valerie Pitman arrives as the election for local councillor takes place.

As everyone in the area starts casting their votes, Mrs Tembe suggests that Heston should do all he can to drum up some last-minute support.

Mrs Tembe encourages Heston to drive some elderly ladies to the polling station, but this doesn't go entirely to plan when he suffers road rage and puts off some of his own supporters!

Heston tries to secure last-minute votes
Once the votes have been cast, Mrs Tembe is quick to share the news that Heston is way out in front in the exit polls despite his mistake.

News of a possible defeat for Valerie (Sarah Moyle) brings Barry to her side as he offers commiserations and admits that her policies genuinely struck a chord with him.

When the final count and reveal takes place, has Heston really won as predicted?
Has Valerie lost the election?
Thursday, February 12th and Friday, February 13th