Saturday 21 February 2015

Home and Away, Kyle Braxton and Hannah Wilson face terrifying injuries in the aftermath of the upcoming bus crash.

As the bus lies overturned, silent and with no signs of life, a horrified Brax is the first person on the scene as he desperately searches for his pregnant girlfriend Ricky.

Although Ricky appears to have escaped unharmed, it soon becomes clear that Hannah is in a very bad way, having been impaled by one of the metal seats.

As Denny calls for Nate to help, he realises that Hannah has been impaled by part of the wreckage and is badly injured.

Kyle is trapped.
Brax tries to help Kyle.
Meanwhile, Brax discovers an equally injured Kyle stuck under a pile of debris but as Brax starts trying to free his brother, Nate tells him to stop.

Nate takes Brax aside and explains that releasing the pressure on Kyle's body too suddenly could kill him and that they need to wait for specialised equipment to extract him or he will die. Will Kyle and Hannah be alright?

Hannah is in a bad way.
Will Hannah be alright?
Airs Monday March 2nd