Saturday 7 February 2015

Home and Away teen Maddy Osborne will have her world turned upside down when she is diagnosed with cancer.

Having previously believed she was pregnant, Maddy is devastated when she discovers that she isn't expecting a baby, but is instead very unwell.

After Maddy undergoes surgery to detect what is wrong, Nate informs her and Roo that they found a suspicious mass growing on her ovary.

As they head home to await more news, Maddy is pleased to have Spencer's support as he turns up to see her, but the mood quickly changes when Nate phones with Maddy's results.

Back at the hospital, Nate is forced to break the terrible news to Maddy and her family. she has an aggressive form of cancer.

Nate tells Maddy that she has cancer.
Unable to process what she is hearing, Maddy rushes out of the hospital room and is followed by Roo, who is ordered to take Maddy home so that she can come to terms with the bad news.

Later, Maddy and Oscar head back to see Nate where they discuss her treatment options honestly, but when Nate tells Maddy that chemotherapy is the best course of action, Maddy is hesitant.

Wanting more time to think, Maddy asks Nate whether she can wait before she decides to start the treatment. However, Nate advises against this as time is not on their side. What will Maddy do?

Maddy is unable to process the news.
Maddy is devastated.
Airs Monday February 16th and Tuesday February 17th