Saturday 7 February 2015

Home and Away, sparks fly between Denny Miller and newcomer Ash, much to Brax's unease.

When Ash offers to help Denny fix a problem with her car, he is impressed by her feisty nature as she insists that she doesn't need his help.

However, when Denny later sees him working at Angelo's, she can't help but enquire about the new barman, asking Josh who he is.

Ash helps Denny.
When Brax overhears Ash and Denny flirting at the bar, he tells Ash that Denny was Casey's girlfriend and is therefore off-limits.

The next day, Denny is trying to fix her car again when Ash approaches, but this time he gives her his condolences over Casey and tells her that he didn't know who she was before.

Although Denny is uncomfortable that Ash has spoken to Brax about her behind her back, the chemistry between the two is obvious. Could romance be on the cards for Denny again?

Ash and Denny flirt.
Ash apologises to Denny.
Airs Wednesday February 18th