Tuesday 24 March 2015

Coronation Street airs a huge moment for the Windass family as Faye gives birth to a baby girl.

Faye has kept her family in the dark ever since she learned about her shock pregnancy, and her friend Craig Tinker is the only one that knows the truth.

Next week, Craig and Faye are hiding in the empty corner shop flat when a terrified Faye starts experiencing contractions and tells him the baby is coming.

Faye and Craig discuss the impending birth
Craig and Faye practice the birth
Although Faye initially stops Craig from calling an ambulance, she soon accepts that she is out of her depth and urges him to find Anna.

As Craig finds an unsuspecting Anna and Owen and drags them to the corner shop, Sophie Webster is also shocked to walk in on Faye in the midst of labour.
Faye feels the baby is coming
Faye goes into labour
Although Anna and Owen are shocked to the core to realise what is happening, Anna does her best to take control of the situation and assures Faye she loves her no matter what.

After Owen breaks the news to a gobsmacked Tim and Sally, back at the flat Anna, Sophie and Sally rally round an exhausted and frightened Faye as the ambulance arrives.

At the hospital, Faye gives birth to a baby girl, but how will she cope with the responsibility of motherhood?

Faye gives birth to a baby girl
Faye doesn't want to meet her daughter
Airs Wednesday, April 1st and Friday, April 3rd