Sunday 15 March 2015

Emmerdale, Jimmy King desperately tries to convince his wife Nicola that their temporary move to Dubai isn't a good idea.

While Nicola is eagerly awaiting her opportunity to work abroad for six months, Jimmy is far from excited over the prospect of becoming a house husband for so long.

In a last-ditch attempt to put Nicola off the idea, Jimmy holes himself up in the salon, strips off and places himself under a hairdryer.

When Nicola asks for an explanation, Jimmy claims that he is simply trying to acclimatise himself to the oppressive temperatures they will encounter in Dubai.

Jimmy also makes a show of having to drink non-alcoholic beer and shares his 'concerns' over poisonous insects in Dubai, but will this be enough to give Nicola food for thought?

Jimmy tries to manipulate Nicola
Airs Friday, March 20th