Saturday 14 March 2015

Home and Away, singer Phoebe Nicholson will realise she has a stalker later this month when a young fan's interest in her takes a worrying turn.

A dark new storyline for Phoebe will kick off as teenager Ryan starts watching her every move in secret.

When Ryan learns that Kyle, Ricky and Brax will all be away for the night, he later turns up at Phoebe's house, knowing that she is alone.

Realising the seriousness of the situation, Phoebe tries to get him to leave but he forces his way into her house before she can stop him.

Phoebe's creepy fan Ryan speaks to Kyle
Ryan learns Kyle is going away for the night
Once inside, Ryan becomes more insistent, saying that he wants to help her by taking her away to his secluded home where she can concentrate on her music.

Terrified, Phoebe starts to scream for help and is fortunately heard by John next door, who rushes to her aid and chases him away.

A shaken Phoebe then calls the police but after Katarina Chapman arrives to take her statement, she explains that without a name there isn't much she can do.

After staying at the caravan park for the night so that Kat can keep an eye on her, Phoebe is horrified to find Ryan waiting for her at the park with a bunch of flowers.

Although he runs off when he sees Kat, she soon catches up with him and manages to obtain his name. Later, she takes Phoebe down to the station to file an AVO against him, promising Phoebe that if he comes near her again, they will be able to arrest and charge him.

However, Phoebe isn't convinced it will work and it soon becomes clear that her instincts are correct as Ryan secretly continues to stalk her. Is Phoebe in serious danger?

Ryan stalks Phoebe
Airs Thursday, March 26th and Friday, March 27th