Tuesday 28 April 2015

It could be make or break time for Sean Tully's new relationship on Coronation Street next week, as Billy Mayhew feels pressurised into choosing between him and the church.

Billy has attempted to keep his romance with Sean relatively low-key while settling in as the new vicar at St Mary's Church, but upcoming episodes will see his personal life become more public than he ever imagined.

When Billy and Sean's recent encounter with a homophobic pub landlord hits the front page of the Weatherfield Gazette, it makes life difficult for Billy as he later faces a difficult meeting with the Bishop, who has very conservative views on homosexuality.

Sean and Billy hit the headlines
With the Bishop making his disapproval clear, Billy initially reacts badly under pressure by lying to him, claiming that he and Sean have already ended their relationship.

Antony Cotton, who plays Sean, commented: "Billy is mortified about the newspaper article. They are both embarrassed because they are on the front page and everyone's talking about them, but Billy is embarrassed for different reasons. Sean has always had his head stuck in gossip magazines but now it's happening to him, he doesn't like the attention. He realises that Billy has to be quite discreet, and his vocation means he shouldn't really draw attention to himself. Billy ends up telling the Bishop that he and Sean have split up. Sean is very upset about that, because he feels as though Billy has had to lie for him, and Sean never wanted him to do that. It's a difficult situation for them."
Billy announces that he's going to resign as vicar
Billy later realises that he has made a terrible mistake and pledges his future to Sean, even offering to hand in his resignation in order to put his new partner first.

Cotton continued: "It makes Sean really sad that Billy feels it has to be one or the other. Sean usually leads with his emotions, but in this case his head takes the lead and he tells Billy that he can't do that and that he'd never ask him to do it either. Sean is very selfless in this instance. He doesn't want Billy to put him first, because Billy's job and vocation is what makes Billy who he is. He tells Billy that he mustn't choose - he must stick with his job and deal with the consequences."

Viewers will have to wait and see exactly what the future holds for Billy and Sean as the pressure mounts up, but Cotton added that he is pleased with the reaction to the story so far.
Billy confesses he's in love with Sean
He said: "I personally have enjoyed this storyline because it's so unique and it hasn't been done in Corrie before. It's been handled in a classic Corrie way, a perfect balance of comedy and tragedy. At the centre of it is a really nice relationship which is really nice and funny. It has been unique and it's created a discussion. The response has been overwhelmingly positive and terrific, from face-to-face in the supermarket to on social media. I've had loads of tweets about it, it's been a really nice response."