Saturday 4 April 2015

Neighbours, Lauren Turner seeks comfort in her old flame Brad Willis later this month as she struggles with her grief for husband Matt.

UK fans will soon see Matt killed off in a road accident as he is knocked down by garage owner Danni Ferguson when she gets distracted by texting while driving.

On the day of Matt's funeral, Lauren is determined to stay strong for her children and keeps a lid on her emotions throughout the entire service.

However, Brad can see just how much she is struggling and later calls in to see Lauren, after seeking permission from his wife Terese.

Arriving at the Turner house, Brad finds an overwhelmed Lauren dealing with a leaking fridge in an empty house, causing Brad to quickly fix the problem.

Lauren struggles after Matt's death
The situation prompts Brad to confess to Lauren that Matt's final words to her were that he was to look after her, revealing that he intends to keep his promise.

Meanwhile, Terese runs into Sharon Canning, who Matt shared a kiss with prior to his death, and she claims she has returned to town to pay her respects.

Worrying that she has a ticking time bomb on her hands, Terese lets Sharon vent her woes to her, before advising Sharon to stay away from Lauren.

Although Terese is assured that she has solved the problem, she is unaware that Sharon is determined to assuage her guilt and later pays Lauren a visit anyway. Will Sharon tell Lauren about Matt's betrayal?

Lauren breaks down in front of Brad
Brad comforts Lauren
Airs Wednesday, April 15th