Tuesday 23 June 2015

Emmerdale, Debbie Dingle will feel terrible as her baby brother Moses falls ill while she is spending the night with Ross Barton.

Upcoming scenes on the ITV soap see Debbie cheat on her fiancé Pete by sharing a night of passion with his troublesome brother at the garage.

Debbie and Ross are still asleep
While Debbie is busy with her fling, Pete is left to look after Moses at home and becomes concerned when it's clear that the newborn has a temperature.

Following some advice from his father James, Pete rushes Moses off to the hospital for emergency attention. By the time Debbie joins Pete there, the doctors have already decided that the situation is serious and Moses needs to go into intensive care.

Charley Webb, who plays Debbie, commented: "Debbie feels massively guilty when she finds out what's happened. She hates herself and she blames herself for Moses being ill. Debbie thinks that if she'd been there, she would have noticed that something was wrong with Moses. She feels horrendous about it. Moses has a problem with his stomach and not being able to digest his milk, which is really worrying. It's quite serious and the doctors need to operate immediately. It's left to Debbie to give consent for the operation because she's the legal guardian. Charity turns up at the hospital later and Debbie is definitely cross with her. Charity hasn't even been in touch - she's just dumped this baby on her and expects her to get on with it! Debbie still has no idea who the father is - she thinks that it's probably just a one-night stand or someone Charity has slept with because he's rich. She does think that the father should know what's going on with Moses, though. Just because Charity isn't bothered about the father doesn't mean that he wouldn't be bothered about his son."

Debbie waits for news of Moses
Debbie will try to concentrate on Pete
In the days that follow, Debbie tries to concentrate on her relationship with Pete as she knows that it's the right thing to do. However, with the sexual tension between her and Ross (Michael Parr) still evident, it's surely only a matter of time before she gives into temptation again.

Webb added: "Debbie's heart lies with both Pete and Ross. She loves them both for different reasons and that's where the jeopardy comes in. That's what's tormenting her so much and that's what is pulling her apart, she just doesn't know which way she wants to go! The massive elephant in the room at the moment is the wedding. Everyone is talking to her about it and there's so much planning involved, but Debbie is feeling so much guilt over the fact that she's seeing Ross. Obviously there's a part of her that would prefer not to be getting married right now, because it's not really time to be getting married when you're having an affair! It's a great story and I'm really enjoying it. It's been written really well. This is also the build-up to the big summer on Emmerdale, which is really exciting."

Airs  next week