Saturday 27 June 2015

Home and Away, Ricky Sharpe will go into labour, just when she is starting to have second thoughts over motherhood.

Upcoming episodes will see Ricky get nervous over her unborn child's impending arrival, wondering how she'll cope without support from her jailed partner Brax.

Summer Bay's ladies gather for the baby shower
Ricky's loved ones try to convince her that she'll be a great mum, but when talking her around proves more difficult than expected, her female friends decide to host a surprise baby shower for her.

Ricky isn't impressed when she finds out that Summer Bay's ladies have been plotting behind her back, but the baby shower does initially go well.

Ricky looks at a photo of Brax
Unfortunately, the mood turns sour as Ricky soon becomes teary when she opens the presents. Reminded of Brax, she leaves the room and struggles to hold back her emotions.

The next morning, Ricky wakes up and realises that she is experiencing labour pains.

With her big moment now here, will Ricky stay strong or crumble under the pressure?
Ricky suddenly experiences labour pains
Who will Ricky call on for help?
Airs Friday, July 10th