Tuesday 23 June 2015

Neighbours, Paige Smith will reject her adoptive mum Mary when she pays a visit to Ramsay Street.

Real Housewives of Melbourne star Gina Liano recently filmed a guest stint in the role of Mary, who will turn up in Erinsborough on Paige's 21st birthday.

Mary arrives without any prior warning, gatecrashing a popstar-themed party that Paige's loved ones have organised for her.

Paige immediately gives Mary a frosty reception and later confides in her parents Brad Willis and Lauren Turner about the reasons why.

Brad and Lauren are shocked when Paige reveals that at age 10 she overheard Mary say that everything went wrong the minute she was brought into the family. 
While Paige, Brad and Lauren are all keen to see Mary leave sooner rather than later, Terese Willis is given food for thought when Mary tells her that she had been planning to invite Paige to come back to Singapore with her.

Realising that Paige's departure could benefit her as it would stop Brad and Lauren from spending so much time together, Terese makes it her mission to interfere in the tense situation.

When Terese helps to set up a reconciliatory meeting between Paige and Mary, it's an eye-opening experience for Paige as her adoptive mum explains the real story behind her harsh words all those years ago. Has Paige misjudged Mary?

Airs mid-July