Tuesday 25 August 2015

Coronation Street - obert Preston will be rocked as he discovers the truth about the Victoria Court fire.

Robert pushes his girlfriend Tracy Barlow into confessing to him after he starts to realise that she may have been involved in causing the blaze.

Tracy will confess to Robert
Everyone on the Street currently blames Carla Connor's negligence for the terrible accident, but Robert shows that he's no fool when he spots tell-tale signs that Tracy was the real culprit.

Evidence of Tracy's guilt becomes clear to Robert when a memorial auction is held at the Bistro in memory of Maddie Heath, who died as a result of the fire.

Tracy confronts Carla, telling her to go home
Tristan Gemmill revealed: "When the memorial auction takes place at the Bistro, Robert comes across a drunk Carla. At first he just feels a bit sorry for her, but when he sees Tracy's reaction to Carla's behaviour, it suddenly doesn't seem so clear-cut. Tracy is very sympathetic, which isn't the Tracy he knows and he can't work out why she's so upset by Carla's recklessness. He starts to quiz Tracy about Carla's behaviour and why she can't deal with the consequences of the fire. He also quizzes Tracy about her sympathetic reaction, as he can't work out why she's responding to Carla in that way. He grills Tracy about her behaviour but she becomes more and more evasive, and suddenly the penny starts to drop for Robert that maybe she had something to do with the fire. He says, 'As long as you tell me the truth I'll support you, but no more lies'. Circumstances come to a head and Tracy has no choice but to tell Robert the truth. He forces her hand, really. Tracy tells Robert that she was in the flat and she left a candle burning. The only bit where there's a grey area is when he asks her why she went round there - did she want to harm Carla? Tracy says no, but the audience know Tracy clearly contemplated doing something bad. That's the thing he wrestles with, but if he's to make a go of their relationship, he has to believe her. I guess he wants to believe her."

Robert will want Tracy to do the right thing
Once Tracy reveals all, Robert becomes adamant that she should confess to Carla so the troubled businesswoman will stop punishing herself for the recent tragedy.

Gemmill added: "Robert thinks that Carla is going through a whole bunch of pain that could be alleviated if Tracy told the truth. His concern is more a moral concern for Carla's wellbeing, he wants Tracy to tell Carla that it wasn't her fault so she can move on with her life. He wants Tracy to end Carla's suffering. Whether it changes Robert's feelings for Tracy is an interesting one and I don't know what will happen down the line. It's the sort of thing that will always be there, but Robert knows the Tracy of old - when she was much younger and before a lot of the really bad stuff happened. He knows the real person beneath. Maybe he thinks he can save her from herself. I think he's also attracted to the danger, the air of unpredictability, maybe there's a bit of that in himself. I think it will take him a bit of time to decide if they have a future. It will definitely influence the course of their relationship."

Airs next week