Sunday, 23 August 2015

Hollyoaks - Ste Hay tries his best to commit to his new family life by proposing to Sinead O'Connor.

Ste makes his decision after another romantic encounter with Harry Thompson, which sees him finally respond to the teenager's interest in him.

After sharing a passionate kiss with Harry, Ste decides to re-focus his attentions onto Sinead and leaves her stunned by suddenly popping the question.

Ste proposes to Sinead
Ste proposes to Sinead
Ste proposes to Sinead
When word gets back to Harry, he is furious over Ste's flip-flopping, but the tension leads to yet another steamy encounter between them.

The pair get passionate at Hollyoaks High but when Sinead walks down the corridor and is about to open the door to the classroom they're in, will she discover that Ste has betrayed her?
Airs  Monday, August 31st