Sunday 13 September 2015

Doctors - Niamh Donoghue will have a one-night stand with The Mill's new nurse Hayden Connor.

The pair grow closer after they both take part in a tough cross-country test called Challenge Max, which pushes them to their limits.

A drunken evening follows after the event is over and Niamh is a little surprised to find Hayden next to her when she wakes up the next morning.

Niamh and Hayden wake up in bed together
Niamh later confides in Ayesha Lee, admitting that she doesn't want a serious relationship but is worried that Hayden might feel differently.

Hayden also speaks to Al Haskey about what happened and although he doesn't name names, it's obvious to Al that he has slept with Niamh.

Hayden confesses that he doesn't want a serious romance either, but a heartbroken Al doesn't hear him and simmers with jealousy. Will Al put up a fight for Niamh or accept that he's missed his chance?

Airs Friday, September 25th