Saturday 12 September 2015

Home and Away - Josh Barrett will be left unconscious after being pushed down the stairs by an unknown culprit.

A mysterious set of circumstances begin after a hooded figure steals Leah's photo album, which was put together by Irene and Marilyn following a fire in her home.

Josh discovers a hooded Hunter lurking around
However, it is Josh who finds himself in the firing line after he disturbs the hooded figure as they attempt to search Alf's house.

Josh is on a mission to resolve his problems with Evie, who is avoiding him after learning that he took drugs to enhance his exam performance, so heads over to the house to find her.

However, he is stopped in his tracks when he is thrown down the stairs by the mystery person as they attempt to make an escape before being seen.

As Josh lies on the floor unconscious, will anyone come to his rescue before it's too late?

After a short scuffle, Josh falls down the stairs
After a short scuffle, Josh falls down the stairs
Airs Monday, September 22nd