Lee has been battling depression for a while, but his problems will culminate in upcoming episodes as he lashes out at his former army boss and later receives a grilling as he gives evidence in Lucy Beale's murder trial.
that he needs professional help, Whitney decides to come clean to Mick
(Danny Dyer) and reveal the truth about how difficult Lee has been
finding things lately.
A nervous Lee waits for his appointment with Mick |
Lee talks to the doctor about his options |
Worried about his son, Mick talks to him, and Lee eventually agrees to
take the first steps towards getting better by going to see a doctor.
the day of the appointment arrives, Lee talks to the doctor about his
feelings with a supportive Mick by his side. As the doctor talks about
his options, will he be able to start moving forward?
Lee talks to the doctor about his options |
Dr Black talks to Lee |
Airs Thursday, September 17th and Friday, September 18th