Vanessa will delight her former boyfriend Kirin by going along to the
factory to support his new venture, but the day takes a worrying turn
when Kirin caches Jai Sharma snorting cocaine.
Vanessa is pushed to the ground |
Paranoid, Jai soon creates a scene in front of everybody, but it is
Vanessa who gets caught in the crossfire when she is pushed to the
Although Vanessa initially believes she is unharmed, she
is later thrown into a panic when she realises she is going into labour.
Kirin is by Vanessa's side as she gives birth to her baby, but it is then touch and go as to whether the newborn will survive.
Kirin is concerned for Vanessa |
Michelle Hardwick, who plays Vanessa, said: "Kirin doesn't leave her side, he is with her and she needs him at that point. The
baby is very premature and you will have to tune in and wait and see
what happens. It is not 100% alright and it is a really worrying time
for everybody."
Speaking about filming the birth scenes, Hardwick
said: "I have never had a child so I did a lot of YouTubing watching
various clips and videos. I wanted to find the right balance. I was quite naive and I thought maybe because it is so premature, it
wouldn't hurt as much because the baby is smaller, but obviously that is
not correct at all. I did my research on that and it was a long
day in that hospital bed. They are some of the most challenging scenes I
have ever done but I loved it."
Vanessa goes into labour |
Hardwick also revealed that
there will be huge repercussions when the truth about Vanessa's baby's
paternity is finally revealed.
Vanessa goes into labour |
She added: "It has so many repercussions. Moira and James think they are
grandparents and you've got Adam and Victoria playing new parents too.
But really, none of them are related at all. Then you have
Rakesh and Priya - who would have thought Priya would have kept this a
secret? Especially with the baby being born so prematurely and there
being so much worry. I am really excited for it."
Airs Thursday, September 10th and Friday, September 11th