Saturday 12 September 2015

Neighbours - Russell Brennan will leave Ramsay Street under a cloud after his abusive past is revealed.

Russell's dark secret is finally exposed by Tyler, who reaches breaking point as the family prepare to buy Fitzgerald Motors together.

Although Russell is excited about the new business, Tyler's unhappiness over the situation threatens to ruin his father's dream of working with his boys.

When Russell confronts him, Tyler demands an apology from Russell but when none is forthcoming, Tyler finally cracks and knocks Russell to the ground with a punch. 

Russell says goodbye to Sheila
When Mark reacts to this, Tyler finally reveals his father's past violence towards him. Mark is initially disbelieving but after talking with Aaron, he later realises that it could be true.

Later, Mark and Aaron confront Russell together but they are stunned when he doesn't deny the accusations, prompting Mark to realise just how badly he has let his brother down.

As the reveal reverberates through the Brennan clan, Russ finally apologises to Tyler but it is apparent that he doesn't seem to understand the implications of what he's done.

After receiving some frank words from Sheila, Russell realises the true damage of his actions but his heartfelt apology is too little too late and Mark and Aaron support Tyler as they send Russ back to Port Lincoln. What does the future hold now for Sheila and the Brennan brothers?

Russell leaves Ramsay Street
Sheila is devastated to see Russell go
Airs Tuesday, September 22nd and Wednesday, September 23rd