Saturday 17 October 2015

Hollyoaks - Jack Osborne announces that he's selling The Dog In The Pond.

Jack is forced to come clean after his son Darren starts to suspect that he's hiding something big.

The final straw comes when Jack mysteriously starts giving away free drinks at the pub, which leaves Darren demanding answers.

Jack reluctantly confesses that the family's debts have spiralled out of control, so he has sold the pub to get back on an even keel.

It's not long before the Osbornes are in uproar over the news, but Jack stands firm with his decision and puts an offer in on the boarding house.

Jack is confident that he's done the right thing as he's left debt-free following his careful handling of the situation.

Soon enough though, the consequences for everyone become clear when Cindy Cunningham's secret husband Mac Nightingale arrives on the scene with his grown-up children Ellie and Nathan.

The trio announce themselves as the new owners of The Dog, leaving a panicking Cindy to wonder how long she can keep her shocking secret under wraps...

Airs Thursday, October 22nd and Friday, October 23rd