Tuesday 17 November 2015

Hollyoaks ​- Ziggy Roscoe will find himself drawn to his sister-in-law Tegan Lomax once again.

When Tegan returns to the village, Ziggy can't help but feel jealous as she talks about a man she met in Tenerife called Seth.

Later, Ziggy's curiosity gets the better of him and he spies on Tegan when she goes to meet her potential new love interest.

Unable to control his jealousy, Ziggy is soon chasing Seth away, but soon realises that his actions have mortified Tegan.

Wanting to make amends, Ziggy follows her into the hospital lift, where he tells her that he wants them to be together.

However, just as they're about to kiss, the lift doors ping open to reveal Leela. Has she seen their intimate moment?

Airs  Friday, November 27th