Saturday 14 November 2015

Home and Away - John Palmer is given some long-awaited hope when his wife Marilyn finally remembers their wedding day.

Marilyn is suffering with severe memory loss as a result of the electric shock which left her in a coma, so she doesn't remember John or their adopted son Jett.

As Marilyn arrives home from hospital to very unfamiliar surroundings, both her and John struggle to adapt to the uncomfortable situation.

John clings onto the hope that Marilyn still enjoys being in his company and comes up with a plan to woo her in order to keep their marriage alive.

After taking her on a date, John starts to lose hope when a personal story of his only serves to help Marilyn remember another former partner, Sid Walker.

However, as Marilyn follows a distraught John out of the Diner, the car park triggers the memory of when they first got together for John and he tells her the story.

John's story brings it all back for Marilyn and she suddenly remembers him, recalling their entire wedding.

An ecstatic pulls Marilyn into a hug, delighted to finally be reunited with his wife, but are their problems really over?

Airs Friday, November 27th