Monday 28 December 2015

Emmerdale - Adam Barton is left devastated when he finally discovers that he's not the father of baby Johnny.

The shocking truth is revealed after Johnny's mum Vanessa Woodfield secretly organises another DNA test after getting a clue to the youngster's true paternity.

Keen for further answers, Vanessa uses a DNA testing kit to take a swab of Adam's bottle top. A few days later, the results come back and rule Adam out as the dad, meaning that the father must actually be Kirin Kotecha.

Vanessa knows that she has to do the right thing by revealing the truth to both men, but Adam's upset reaction will drive him to very extreme measures.

Adam Thomas, who plays him, teased: "Adam is not going to be happy. He's been there for Johnny through the whole thing, as far back as when Johnny was fighting for his life in hospital. When Adam finds out, he could do something very, very, very silly. Adam doesn't tend to think about things, he just reacts. I think he's more hurt than anything but at first he refuses to take it on board, because he's in denial a little bit. In Adam's eyes, Johnny is his son. I don't know how anyone could deal with having that taken away from them. I've got a son of my own and I can't imagine anyone turning around to me and saying: 'He's not yours'. It's going to be a massive thing for Adam."

Revealing more about what's ahead, Thomas continued: "Adam goes off the rails a little bit - as you do in soap! I'd like to think that Adam will still want to be part of Johnny's life, because he does love him. I don't think that will ever change, but obviously he's got to give some way for Kirin because he is the dad and it's going to be hard for him too. I'd like to see what happens between Kirin and Adam and if it comes to blows between them. That'd be interesting."

As all parties involved deal with the repercussions, Kirin's father Rakesh knows that it's only a matter of time before he gets caught out for tampering with the original DNA results.

On what could happen when the full story comes out, Thomas said: "Adam won't let Rakesh get away with this. I hope I get to lay him out!"

Airs Thursday, January 7th