Tuesday 8 December 2015

Emmerdale - Chas Dingle will make a risky decision when she decides to rekindle her relationship with her ex-husband Gordon Livesy.

Chas gives into temptation after Gordon returns to the village, but she chooses to keep their son Aaron in the dark over their reignited romance.

Diane Sugden has a chance meeting with him while having chemotherapy.

Gordon is also at the hospital as he has been battling Hodgkin's Lymphoma. While catching up with Diane, he is surprised to hear just how much Chas and Aaron have been struggling recently and decides to reach out to them.

Unsurprisingly, Gordon gets a frosty reception from Aaron, but he does make enough progress with Chas to be invited to the Dingle family's Christmas lunch.

Things go a step further at New Year as Chas surprises herself by kissing Gordon, but she knows that there'd be fireworks if Aaron ever found out.

Lucy Pargeter, who plays Chas, explained: "It's rekindling that old flame. It's that first love thing - they'll always have a connection and they've got Aaron together as well. It's a chemical connection. I don't think Chas is willing to jump back into another relationship, but there is that magnetism that is pulling them together. But because of Aaron's bad reaction to Gordon turning up, Chas does it in secret even though she keeps saying she won't have any more secrets. Here's another one!"

Reminding us of their history, Pargeter continued: "At first Chas is quite shocked to see Gordon, to be honest. He's been out of Aaron's life for quite a few years. Chas and Gordon didn't part on good terms. The last time we saw them together, Chas had given Aaron a wallop round the head. Gordon had come back and rescued his son and said, 'You're never seeing him again'. So Chas is surprised to see Gordon, but he tries to convince her that he needs to make up for lost time. That's like Chas was - she had to work hard with Aaron and make up for all the time they had lost. So she's very open to Gordon coming back. I think because of her own history with Aaron, she just tries to convince him to give Gordon another chance. She was like that with him, but he gave her another chance and look at them now. She just wants to see Aaron happy, but he doesn't react well. It's always nice to see old characters brought back. I'm always interested in people's history and a massive chunk of both Chas and Aaron's history is Gordon. So it's amazing to see and discover what actually went on. I'm really happy that he's here."

Airs Christmas Day and Boxing Day