Monday 11 January 2016

Hollyoaks - Lockie Campbell manages to escape after weeks locked away in an abandoned shack, but his troubles may not be over.

An initial escape attempt sees the village's charmer free himself and make a run for it through the woods, only to be stopped in his tracks when he cuts himself on some rusty metal.

A furious Cameron soon locks his brother back up again, but he does show some sympathy when he heads to the hospital to get him a tetanus shot.

Back at the shack, Lockie makes better progress with his next escape plan and Cameron is horrified when he returns to find that his sibling is nowhere to be seen.

Tegan later finds Lockie at the hospital and he's quick to tell her everything that Cameron has been up to recently, but the ruthless killer has a cunning plan to destroy his credibility.

At the Lomax house later, Cameron throws a petrol can at Lockie before taking a photo - hoping that he can frame him for trying to set the house on fire.

Cameron warns his brother to leave or he'll go to the police with the photo, but will Lockie agree to go? And what will Leela and Tegan find when they decide to visit the shack for themselves to verify Lockie's story?

Airs Tuesday, January 19th